"The water," Humbert said, "must have been quite cold," in response to Charlotte's previous remark.
"That is not the point," said Charlotte. "He is subnormal, you see. And I have a very definite feeling our Louise is in love with that moron."
The Humberts walked on, sandaled and robed, their way down the path cut through the pine forest to the lake.
"Do you know, Hum: I have one most ambitious dream," said Charlotte, lowering her head, "I would love to get a hold of a real trained servant maid like that German girl the Talbots spoke of; and have her live in the house."
"No room," Humbert said.
"Come," Charlotte smirked, "surely, chéri, you underestimate the possibilities of the Humbert home. We would put her in Lo's room. I intended to make a guestroom of that hole anyway. It's the coldest and meanest in the whole house."
"What are you talking about?" reacted Humbert.
His face stiffed as the discussion proceeded. As Charlotte disclosed her plans to send Dolly away to school, Humbert's eyes quickly slid down to her wrists and up.
"Oh, I had forgotten my sunglasses in the car. I will catch up with you after I walk back to the parking lot." Humbert walked back the path he and Charlotte had been taking. As he hurried, he glanced at his own wrist and twisted it lightly as to test the waters. As he hurriedly reached the parking lot, Humbert pumped a handful of water and gulped it down his throat. For a moment, Humbert sat on the edge of one of the rude tables, under the wooshing pines. In a distance, he stared at the two little maidens in shorts who came out of the restrooms. After a moment, Humbert got up and headed back to Charlotte.
Charlotte started as Humbert sat down beside her. Humbert and Charlotte both headed toward the water. As they slowly swam out into the shimmer of the lake, Humbert noticed two men, in a distance, working, building a wharf. As the Humberts made their way deeper into the lake, Humbert periodically glanced at those two men. Humbert watched with, a certain reservation, Charlotte as she swam with solemn satisfaction.
They sat down on their towels in the sun after had gotten out of the water. Charlotte loosened her bra and turned over on her stomach.
"I love you," said Charlotte and sighed deeply, then reached for her cigarettes. She sat up and smoked and kissed Humbert heavily with open smoky mouth.
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